
1. Intro

2. tunique du mort.
by Birds Through Fire

3. Pod Jezem
by Vladimír Václavek

4. Winistre
by United Bible Studies

5. Spiegel Im Spiegel
by Qluster

6. So Much What
by David Torn

7. On Any Day
by Andrew Chalk

8. 54
by Luigi Archetti

9. Talk

10. Serenity
by ICE performs Anna Thorvaldsdottir

11. Eternal Wisdom
by Alio Die & Lorenzo Montanà

12. Looking Toward Hope
by John Luther Adams

13. Dal margine
by Osvaldo Coluccino

14. Ligatura – message to Frances-Marie op. 31b
by Manuel Zurria

15. Once More In The Fortress
by Michael Begg | Human Greed

16. Clockworking
by Nordic Affect

17. Talk / outro